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HKSKH's Guidelines on Education Ideals

辦學宗旨 Mission
香港聖公會辦學理念指引 本校是一所基督教學校;秉承聖公會辦學的理念以基督教的核心價值培育下一代。課程設計、演繹及實踐皆建基於基督信仰,故此基督教價值觀乃整個課程不可或缺的一部份,以期實踐基督教全人教育的理想。因此,學生均需要參加學校的所有課程及學習活動。
We are a Christian school that fully embraces the Anglican ethos inherited by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, which forms the basis of the curriculum design and implementation for the nurture of the next generation. We provide holistic education for our students by taking the Christian value as an essential element in the entire school curriculum. For this reason, students are required to attend all lessons, school events and educational activities provided by our schools. (The English version is adopted at the meeting of the Standing Commission on Education, HKSKH on 3 March 2015)

德:謙遜自愛 勇於承擔
智:啟發創意 訓練思維
體:鍛鍊體能 強健身心
群:互助互愛 服務社群
美:欣賞藝術 樂於創作
靈:傳揚福音 愛主愛人

We are committed to providing whole person education based on our Christian values of love and care.

Moral: Have self-respect, be humble and responsible
Intellectual: Enlighten and inspire students’ creativity and critical thinking
Physical: Sound body and sound mind
Social: Help one another and serve society
Aesthetic: Appreciation of arts and creativity
Spiritual: Spread the positive teachings of Jesus, love God and your neighbours
Mission Statement
· Quality education, in which students and teachers are actively involved
· Parent-school partnership, supporting students to reach their full potential
· To teach by word and example, empowering students’ holistic development
2024-09-23 劉校長適應課程「小老師」- 六年級 (22).jpg
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